Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekly Wrap-up: Right-brained Spelling and Living Math Books

This is my first weekly wrap-up post, linking up with WeirdUnsocializedHomeschoolers' Weekly Wrap-up.

This past week was my first week incorporating what I've been learning about right-brained learners.  I finished reading Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World, where I learned SO much about ADD and right-brained learners. With all this new-found knowledge, I attempted to incorporate a little of what I learned, including some Brain Gym exercises, and a new strategy for spelling (which Monkey has always struggled with).

The method we tried was for him to NOT try to remember the words phonetically or through memorizing sound combination rules, but to write it in a bright color and have him stare at it, then picture it in his head with his eyes closed, then 'read' off the letters, both forwards and backwards. Our words were 'sympathetic', 'temperature', 'opinion', and 'neighbor'.  Honestly, I was a bit skeptical that this would work, especially the spelling it backwards, but I was FLOORED when he was able to spell it backwards perfectly, on the first try! Then, spelling it forwards was easy! We did this a few times throughout the week and he was able to retain the spelling. Now, I will be using this method for all his spelling work.

We also took a break from our usual math routine (Singapore 5B, Singapore Math's Challenging Word Problems, and Life of Fred), and went with just exploring with some living math books:

I've always known Monkey hated math drills and repetitive problems, and I learned from reading about right-brained children that this is because he is a 'whole-to-part' learner, learning big concepts better than learning how to sequentially solve a problem. So we read from each of the above books, and explored all kinds of topics, such as exponents, the binary number system, and mobius strips, and, tying into our Ancient History theme, how ancient civilizations used the moon, sun and stars, and angles to tell dates/times, and how trigonometry was used to determine land area and boundaries of non-rectangular field! It was SO much fun.  Monkey still loves Life of Fred, and we're still going to use it, (as well as Singapore for more practice), but it was a nice break from the usual frustrations he has with math. We'll continue to include these books in our weekly math work, mixing it in with our old math material.

In Ancient History, we covered the Epic of Gilgamesh, Stonehenge, and finished up the early Mesopotamia civilizations(e.g. Sumerians, Indus Valley), using Mystery of History Vol .1, and Story of the World and Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. For writing, we've been using IEW's Ancient History, which has been a great way to reinforce his Ancient History reading. However, I don't feel a ton of excitement over Ancient History from Monkey. He does the reading and writing, but just isn't captivated by this. Next week, we're going to take a break from history and study aerodynamics (his choice) for science.

Weekly Wrap-Up

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How did you choose Ancient History as a topic to study? It seems very advanced, and maybe even a little unrelatable, for an elementary school aged student? I mean, I think it's a worthy subject in general (though I admit, I don't think I ever studied it, in public school or in college!), but I can understand if Monkey isn't super excited about it...

In elementary school I remember learning a lot about Pilgrims and Native Americans and the Revolutionary War, perhaps more than other kids in other parts of the country might, because I grew up in a suburb of Boston, and so those topics were particularly relatable, as all the events actually occurred in nearby towns. Maybe to get Monkey more excited about social studies / history, you could look into some topics closer to home - like your state and neighboring states' roles in the Revolutionary War, or learn about famous people from your state, or the history of countries related to your family, like China and Ireland.
1 reply · active 523 weeks ago
We're just trying to go chronologically through history, but I may toss that idea out the window. I do want him to learn some Ancient History in order to place the events of the Old Testament in context. I don't remember learning any world history until high school, but even in those classes, I don't remember it being *ancient* history. But I think the early civilizations can be fascinating, because they are a lot more advanced than I would've thought. I hope he'll be more interested with Ancient Egypt (mummies and pyramids!), Rome, Greece and China, when we get to those. At this point, it's just an introduction so he gets a feel for other cultures and how civilizations developed, and really, in the grand scheme of things, it's not critical that he needs to know this stuff at all, which is why I may just drop it and go hodge-podge with history. For some reason though, I do like going chronologically though, and it's hard to let go of. I think I'm just a very linear thinker; however, Monkey is not, so I might have to just give up on my need for order.
My recent post Weekly Wrap-up: Robots

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